Colloque 2014

Colloque 2014

Colloques et séminaires de l'année 2014

  • Alonso Ugaglia A., 2014. Une analyse bibliométrique des enjeux du changement climatique en viticulture, Séminaire CRIEF, Université de Poitiers, 27 mars 2014.
  • Boyer J., Ollat N., Touzard JM, Viguié V., 2014. Investigating adaptation to climate change in the French vineyards. XXI Enometrics Conference, Lyon, FRA (2014-06-06),

Lien utile:

  • Dequin S., 2014. Engineering wine yeast strains to meet modern challenges in winemaking. FOOD MICRO, 24th International ICMFH conference Nantes. Keynote lecture, 2014.
  • Dequin S., 2014. Evolutionary and reverse engineering of commercially important metabolic traits in wine yeast. ISSY 31 - Yeast Fermentations: from Genes to Application Aspects, 2014.
  • Destrac-Irvine A, 2014. A response study of a large range of V. vinifera cultivars in the context of climate change in Bordeaux vineyards. Cost action FA1003 meeting “Advancement in phenotyping methodologies”, June 23-24, Limassol, Cypus (Oral presentation)
  • Duchêne E. 2014 Impacts attendus des changements climatiques sur la vigne et possibilités d'adaptations. Exposé d’introduction au 54e congrès des oenologues de France, Ribeauvillé, 22 mai 2014
  • Duchêne E. 2014 What could be a grapevine variety adapted to climatic conditions of the future? IBMP Plant Biology day, Strasbourg, 30 octobre 2014.
  • Duchêne E., Dai Z., Butterlin G., Dumas V., Jaegli N. and Merdinoglu D.2014. Towards the adaptation of grapevine genotypes to climate change: genetic determinism of phenology and berry quality parameters. Eleventh International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics. 2014. Beijing, China, 28 juillet - 2 août 2014.
  • Grassin M., Quénol H., Trapateau L., Pinson L., Barbeau G., Loussert P. , Corgne S. 2014. Spatial variability of the climate at fine scales and wine characteristics: example of the Alta Vista vineyard (Argentina). Xth International Terroir Congress, 7-10 July, Tokaj and Eger, Hungary.
  • Lecourieux D, 2014. Direct impact of high temperature on the grapevine berry proteome. 11th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, July 28 Juillet – August 2, Beijing, China (Oral presentation)
  • Marguerit E., van Leeuwen C., Delrot S., Ollat N., 2014. Grafting effects on the genetic architecture of budburst. 11th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, 28 July – 2 August 2014, Beijing, China. Oral presentation.
  • Neethling E. , Petitjean T. , Barbeau G. , Foissard X. , Quenol H. , 2014. Analyse spatio-temporelle de la tendance future du climat en Val de Loire, France. Actes de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie, 2-5 juillet, Dijon, France.
  • Neethling E. , Petitjean T. , Barbeau G. , Quenol H., 2014. Impacts of environmental variability and viticultural practices on grapevine behaviour at terroir scales. Xth International Terroir Congress, 7-10 July, Tokaj and Eger, Hungary.
  • Neethling E., Barbeau G., Quénol H., 2014. Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Future Climate Trends in the Loire Valley, France. Circle 2 Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Change Adaptation “Research and Practice". 10-12 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Neethling E., Quénol H., Barbeau G., 2014. Observation et modélisation du changement climatique à l’échelle des terroirs viticoles. SIVAL Colloque Euroviti, 15 janvier 2014, Angers, France
  • Ollat N, 2014. Changement climatique : le matériel végétal peut-il permettre de répondre aux risques accrus de sécheresse. Colloque Euroviti, January 15, Angers, France (Oral presentation)
  • Ollat N., Bordenave L., Marguerit E., Tandonnet J.-P., van Leeuwen C., Destrac A., Decroocq S., Duchêne E., Lacombe T., Boursiquot J.-M., Torregrosa L., Lebon E., This P. and Delrot S., 2014. Grapevine genetic diversity, a key issue to cope with climate change. 11th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, 28 July – 2 August 2014, Beijing, China. Oral presentation.
  • Ollat N., Quénol H., Barbeau G., Van Leeuwen C., Darriet P., Garcia de Cortazar Atauri I., Ojeda H., Duchêne E., Lebon E., Vivin P., This P., Sablayrolles J.M., Teil G., Lagacherie P., Giraud-Héraut E., Neveu P., Touzard J.M. 2014. Adaptation to climate change : which are the main challenges for the French wine industry ? South African Society of Enology and Viticulture annual meeting, Cape Town, South-Africa, 12-14 November 2014
  • Neveu P. 2014. "Semantic Web and Big Data in Plant Science" invited talk. Seminario STIC AmSud, 30-31 octobre Lima 2014
  • Quenol H. , Neethling E. , Le Roux R. , Bonnefoy C. , Petitjean T. , Barbeau G., 2014. Observation et modélisation spatiale des températures minimales dans les vignobles du Val de Loire, France. Actes de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie, 2-5 juillet, Dijon, France.
  • Quénol H., Tissot C., 2014 : Adaptation au changement climatique à l’échelle des terroirs viticoles : GICC-TERADCLIM. Séminaire de restitution des projets GICC, Paris, le 21 mai 2014.
  • Quénol H., 2014 : Analyse du climat local pour une adaptation au changement climatique. « séminaire « Politiques publiques et changement climatique »USP, Sao Paulo, 26 mai 2014.
  • Quénol H., Neethling E., Barbeau G., 2014: Observation et modélisation du climat et du fonctionnement de la vigne à l’échelle fine des terroirs viticoles du Val de Loire. Séminaire ACCAF-LACCAVE, Montpellier 20 et 21 mars 2014.
  • Quénol H., Neethling E., Barbeau G., 2014. A multi-scale climatic analysis of viticultural terroirs in the context of climate change. Circle 2 Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Change Adaptation “Research and Practice". 10-12 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Rienth M., Torregrosa L., Kelly M., Luchaire N., Chatbanyong R., Ardission M., Sarah G., Ageorges A., Adivèze A., Roux R., Miralès V., Lopez G., Farnos M., Novelli F., Houel C., Pellegrino A., Grimplet J., Romieu C., 2014. The night transcriptome of grapevine berries reveals new insights in developmental pattern and heat stress response. 11th International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding, Beijing (Chine), 28 Juillet-2 Août.
  • Tilloy V, Cadiere A, Dequin S., 2014. Engineering wine yeast for reduced ethanol production. Annual conference of the Society for General Microbiology Liverpool, UK. 2014.
  • Tissot C., Rouan M., Neethling E., Quenol H., Brosset D., 2014. Modeling of vine agronomic practices in the context of climate change. 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine, 12th General assembly of the OIV. 9-14 november 2014, Mendoza, Argentina.
  • Touzard J.-M., 2014. Innovations et adaptation au changement climatique: enseignement des recherches sur la vigne et le vin, Journées de l’innovation, Cité des sciences et technologies, La Villette, Paris, le 12 mai 2014.

Lien utile:

  • Touzard J.-M., Giraud Heraud E., 2014. Adaptation to climate change in the wine industry. Agricultural Economics Society One-day conference Challenges to European agriculture in the context of Climate Change, Paris, 9 april 2014.
  • Touzard J.-M., Ollat N., 2014. Innovations et adaptation au changement climatique : enseignements des recherches sur la vigne et le vin, Séminaire du CIRED, Nogent sur Marne, le 9 décembre 2014
  • Trought M., Parker A., Van Leeuwen C., 2014. Can a change in vineyard practice mitigate warming due to climate change? 11th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, 28 July – 2 August 2014, Beijing, China. Oral presentation, full proceedings, Acta Hort, 1082, 397-402.
  • van Leeuwen C., 2014. Innovation through adaptation of viticulture to a changing climate. 4th Infowine forum, VINIDEAs, Villa Real, Portugal, 4 – 5 June 2014. Communication orale sur invitation.
  • Van Leuwen C., Darriet Ph. 2014. Impacts du changement climatique sur la qualité du vin. Séminaire Laccave 20-21 Mars 2014, Montpellier