Colloque 2012

Colloque 2012

Colloques et séminaires de l'année 2012

  • Bonnefoy C., Neethling E. et Quénol H., 2012 : Mesures agroclimatiques adaptées aux échelles locales. Ecole thématique "réseau de capteurs, mesures et environnement", Brest, 23-26/10/12.
  • Bonnefoy C., Quénol H., Lambert J.J., Madelin M., 2012: Assessment of Temperature Spatial Variability in Two American Viticultural Areas of California. 63th ASEV, Portland, Oregon, 20-21 abril 2012.
  • Neethling E., Coulon C., Barbeau G., Courtin V., Bonnefoy C., Quénol H., 2012. Viticultural strategies to adapt to climate change: Temporal and spatial changes in land use and crop practices. Xth European IFSA Symposium, Aarhus, Danemark. 01-04 juillet 2012. (Oral).
  • Ollat N, 2012. LACCAVE: Long term impacts and adaptations to Climatic Changes in Viticulture and Enology. Conseil Scientifique International du Labex COTE, Décember 6, Bordeaux, France (Oral presentation)
  • Ollat N, Bordenave L, 2012. Varieties and rootstocks: an important mean for adaption to terroir. IXth International Congress of Terroirs, June 25-29, Dijon-Reims, France (Oral presentation)
  • Parker A., García de Cortázar-Atauri I., Chuine I., Hofmann R., Trought M. and van Leeuwen C., 2012. A general phenological model for characterising grapevine flowering and veraison. IXth International Terroir Congress, Dijon - Reims , 25-29 June 2012. Présentation orale.
  • Parker A., García de Cortázar-Atauri I., Chuine I., Hofmann R., Trought, M. and van Leeuwen C., 2012. The Grapevine Flowering Veraison model for characterising the grape vine phenology. Macrowine, Bordeaux, 18-21 June 2012. Présentation orale.
  • Parker A., Grose C., Hofmann R.., McLauchlan A., van Leeuwen C. and Trought M., 2012. To leave leaves or to drop crop? How leaf area to fruit weight manipulations change Sauvignon blanc berry composition. 18th Bragato Conference, Blenheim New Zealand, 22-24 August 2012. Présentation orale.
  • Parker A., Hofmann R., van Leeuwen C. and Trought M., 2012. Shifting phenology and maturation through leaf area to fruit weight ratio manipulations. International Cool Climate Conference, Tasmania, 31 January - 2 February 2012. Présentation orale.
  • Peccoux A, Loveys B, Vivin P, Delrot S, Schultz H, Ollat N, Dai Z, 2012. Control of stomata by rootstock-sourced signals under water stress: a model based analysis. VII International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, July 16-20, Geisenheim, Germany (Oral presentation)
  • Quénol H., 2012 : Adaptation au changement climatique à l’échelle des terroirs viticoles. Les changements globaux : enjeux et défis. Journées du CNFCG, 9-11 juillet 2012, Toulouse.
  • Van Leeuwen C, 2012. Wine and climate change: what will change in the world of wine? World Wine Festival, Palais Coburg, March 17, Vienna, Austria (Oral presentation)
  • Van Leeuwen C, Parker A, Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri I, Chuine I, 2012. A General model to characterize the timing of flowering and veraison of Vitis vinifera L. ADVID meeting, December 13, Regua, Portugal (Oral presentation)